
nicholas | 22 | he/she/they

discord: slurmwarewelcome to my personal fantroll hell
this blog is 18+! im not comfortable plotting/shipping/role playing with minors or minors seeing my blog as some occasional inappropriate content may come up. thank you for understanding
(if links appear to be broken/not lead to anything, it’s because there is no content yet. for example, if you click on a link that says (troll) speaks and it brings up an empty tumblr page, it’s because the troll hasn’t spoken yet.)do not interact:
if you are under 18
if you are into harry potter, dsmp, south park, nfts/crypto, pewdiepie, or any vivziepop media
meet regular dni criteria. just be normal please
also at any given time any part of this page may not be up to date, please bear with me <3current fantroll count: 108


sprite commissions
flat color bust sprites - $45
flat color thigh up sprites - $60
mix & match expressions
comes w/ 12 face pieces of your choice (mouths, eyes, & brows)
also comes with 1 opacity-adjustable blush layer!
bust sprites come w/ 1 removable gesturing hand
+ $1 for every extra face piece
+ $2 for layer with tears
+ $15 for every extra arm(s) pose (thigh up)
+ $25 for every thigh up extra outfit
+ $10 for every bust extra outfit
(clothesless “barbie doll” nudity or just underwear is the same price)
+ $5 for extra ear(s) pose
other things like accessories + props can be discussed!
(medical/mobility aids like wheelchairs, canes, oxygen tanks, hearing aids, etc. will always be free.)
when the sprites are finished you will be sent a link to a .psd file which will have all the assets on separate layers so you can mix and match as you please :]

no base full body custom - $80-100+ depending on detail
+ $35 for front and back views in underwear
+ $35 for every extra outfit
semi chibi base custom - $35
+$10 for every extra outfit
pixel chibi base custom - $25
+$5 for every extra outfit
cutie chibi base custom - $25
+$5 for every extra outfit
super chibi base custom - $20
+$5 for every extra outfit

bust $30
thigh up $50
full $75

flat color
bust $45
thigh up $75
full $90

full color
bust $60
thigh up $85
full $125

lower detail headshots with optional pride flag, transparent, or flat color background
flat color $25
full color $35

pixel chibis, fully shaded:
500x500 single character $25
700x700 two characters $35
“crayon” chibis:
flat color $20
shaded $25

anon bloods

Dryden Kahkit
he/him . 13.8 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Hallei Sylind
any pronouns . 19 sweeps . queer . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]


Ampere Ifelis
she/her . 9.5 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a rogue limeblood trying to stand up for the rights of the mutant population in secret.

Battie Ruphos
she/her . 4 sweeps . undecided . ??? of ??? . unknown
mikach's little sister.

Khasti Qunari
he/they . 11 sweeps . gay . knight of hope . prospit
travels with ampere from place to place. other than that, he mostly keeps to himself both for safety and the fact that he doesn’t like many people.

Mikach Ruphos
he/him . 13 sweeps . gay . prince of breath . prospit
a quiet mechanic’s apprentice who spends his spare time with a number of different things, usually working with his hands.

Saskia Miasma
he/him + she/her . 15 sweeps . omnisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Xarkai Nehela
she/her male . 17 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

seadwelling mutants

Alodon Lamnik
he/him . 29 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Kybael Nyphon
he/him . 200~ sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
wanna make a deal with the devil? kybael’s your man! a “representative” of the man himself, kybael can offer you almost anything you like on this mortal plane… for a price, of course.

Lunacy Anihil
they/them . 11 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown.
[under construction]

Variin Phorus
he/him . 12 sweeps . mlm . ??? of ??? . unknown
variin "vari" phorus works along with his twin sister, voltai, at the as above nightclub as a janitor. a little silly with it, vari likes to have fun with everything he does and tends to see the bright side of things. he gets along swimmingly with volt's moirail, snow.

Voltai Phorus
they/she . 12 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
voltai (volt for short; "sparky" only for quads) works at the as above nightclub as the head chef. they are skilled in what they do, and frequently make snacks and meals for the crew of as above. she has a great affection for her moirails, snow and ruru.

o t h e r s

Kydali Dirges
he/him . 17 sweeps . gay . thief of void . derse
a rare clearblooded troll , kydali travels on foot all over the planet with nothing to live for and nothing to lose. it’s unknown how he’s managed to survive this long.

r u s t b l o o d s

Aivann Tehnri
he/him . 26.5 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
aivann is a disillusioned lowblood who’s been stuck doing the same menial tasks for sweeps. a chronic haver of resting bitch face. loves his husband, ichola, who is determined to get aivann to show his softer side more.

Amonia Knives
she/her . 9 sweeps . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Baasha Hanani
they/them . 12 sweeps . pansexual . heir of doom . prospit
an aviator who is a complete disaster magnet. in spite of this, baasha is a ball of sunshine, positive and optimistic, and always ready to come up with a solution on the fly.

Chelia Aulder
she/her . 16.5 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a chronically underpaid intern for the offices of the fleet who hasn’t had a good day’s rest in god knows how many sweeps.

Crelis Licani
he/him . 16 sweeps . bisexual . rogue of time . derse
an easygoing alternian train conductor.

Crypha Iantos
they/them . 14 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
a quiet kid who spends a lot of their time at their job cleaning the graves in the local graveyard and upkeeping the plants. a very sweet and loving sort, crypha keeps a soft spot for their beloved quadrants and best of friends.

Danjal Leraje
he/him + she/her . ??? sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
danjal, or anja for short, is another demon sent to alternia. however, instead of terrorizing trolls, he likes to play mostly harmless pranks and fuck with people. danjal lives in a cabin she built herself in the middle of the woods.

Iantha Leahel
she/her . 16.4 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
owner and head mechanic of tooth and claw repair, a mutant-friendly auto shop. very kind and knowledgeable, iantha is considered a mentor to her younger employees, taking them under her wing and determined to keep them all safe no matter the cost.

Katsup Packet
any prns . 9 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
(katsup uses any pronouns, but most people use he, they, or it.)
a minimum wage mall food court employee. nine sweeps old and already dead inside.

Melior Nyctal
he/she . ??? sweeps . asexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

Merces Visuci
any prns . 14.8 sweeps . aromantic lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Osyris Altior
he/him . 10.5 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
osyris is a knowledgeable troll in the esoteric and paranormal fields. graduated school early; has his degree in library science.

Sidara Iantos
he/him . ??? sweeps (deceased) . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a priest who looked for the good in everyone and preached about the beauty of the universe and all who inhabit it.

Vedrai Bellat
he/him . 12 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
vedrai, unexpectedly, is a goth who lives on a small farm and takes care of everything himself. he’s used to hard work, and he sells the items he farms at market regularly.

b r o n z e b l o o d s

Dantei Osctra
she/her . 17 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
wants to appear intimidating, and is.

Kaviut Collet
he/him . 9.5 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
anxious and plagued by visions. sometimes ryan is able to help, but more often than not, he can’t.

Kellas Angmes
he/they . 16 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
an easygoing outdoorsman, kellas loves a good forest hike any day.

Miadia Nintis
she/her . 14 sweeps . pansexual . thief of rage . prospit
ruthless and hungry for any position of power, miadia will do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

Selena Liaque
she/her . 14 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

g o l d b l o o d s

Alcyon Linnex
hy/hym + ai/aiself . [DATA EXPUNGED] . aroace . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

Broski Unreal
they/it . 12 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Celesi Rhoale
she/her . 17 sweeps . straight . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Ichola Vitral
he/him . 27 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
a gentle and kind lighthouse keeper. loves his husband very much.

Kasdan Artaxe
he/they . 16 sweeps . omnisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
easygoing fleet pilot. went through the trials with his moirail-turned-matesprit dalnix.

Vinair Grifte
they/them . 13 sweeps . gay . thief of space . prospit
a roguish charmer on the run from the law and their feelings. the devil wears a long leather coat and a shit eating grin.

o l i v e b l o o d s

Casmir Giulia
he/him . 17 sweeps . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a bubbly astrophysicist whose love for space knows no bounds. probably a little too caffeinated. has an appreciation for weird/unconventional fashion.

Dalnix Selter
he/they/it . 16 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a fleet fighter pilot. pure of heart, dumb of ass.

Ophani Bakana
they/them . 15.5 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

Ourali Xirkat
she/her . 11 sweeps . polyam bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

Tilind Mandic
she/her . 13 sweeps . polyam bisexual . sylph of hope . prospit
a very sweet and curious sylph who works with plants. she is deaf and mainly uses sign language but can speak if needed.

j a d e b l o o d s

Andras Cansis
(The Autopotent)
he/him . ??? sweeps (deceased) . bisexual . prince of space . prospit
ancestor to kelari and selmri cansis, andras was first known as the autopotent under the guise that he could seemingly control the atoms of his body and change to reflect anything he wanted at will, when in reality, it was technology stolen from his moirail-turned-kismesis, mirari anrchi.

Cagney Lexand
he/they . 13 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a bug lover who works in the brooding caverns.

Ciaran Haylas
he/they . 12 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
a fashion student. always carrying a sketchbook of some sort.

Eleaxa Apokru
she/they . 17.5 sweeps . sapphic . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

Kelari Cansis
she/her . 20 sweeps . lesbian . knight of space . prospit
selmri’s “sister”. bad luck seems to follow her like a dark cloud, or so it feels like.

Killet Cosnem
ey/they/she . 15 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
an enthusiastic hemorebellious hacker who drinks entirely too much troll monster energy.

Kishal Stasya
she/her . 11 sweeps . aroace . ??? of ??? . unknown
a seamstress who makes all her own clothes and those for her cloister, if they wish.

Kuiper Briadi
they/he . 9 sweeps . asexual . rogue of space . prospit
one of kishal’s cloistermates. very anti-hemospectrum, does not like the fact that he’s stuck with this life.

Selmri Cansis
he/him . 16 sweeps . bisexual . thief of space . prospit
a blood-drinking scientist who “escaped” his cloister at a young age, selmri has no use for incompetent trolls, or pretty much anybody else.

Sezele Dement
she/it . 22 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
perceived by most as an insane scientist, sezele mostly lives up to those perceptions with her strange projects and experiments, including but certainly not limited to using her own self as a test subject among many other things.

Solani Ospora
he/they . 22 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

t e a l b l o o d s

Altela Alaric
she/her . 198 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
altela is a hitwoman for the royalty, assigned to control the mutant population against her will to keep her own life.

Dellet Pharix
he/they . 12.5 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a “werewolf” shifter who enjoys ttrpgs, loud music, and doing stupid shit with his boyfriend, mikach.

Kilick Troret
he/him . 10 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Rioche Kadian
she/they . 15 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
a bar owner who plays drums on the side. enjoys experimenting with her own brews and wines from their garden.

Verdan Journe
he/him . 14 sweeps . bisexual . knight of mind . derse
a 7’3” punk who plays guitar and is the lead singer in his band. very anti hemospectrum, anti monarchy, and stands up for lowblood and mutant rights.

c e r u l e a n b l o o d s

Decata Lecadi
they/she . 16.5 sweeps. pansexual . prince of doom . derse
cautious and pessimistic, decata lives a dangerous and troubled life, with little to her name and only one person to live for.

Lichte Azrael
she/he/they . 13 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
lichte is an amateur photographer interested in meteorology and storm chasing. her being struck by lightning didn’t deter their enthusiasm for weather science, but it did mess with her psionics, leaving them only partially working.

Lidiya Mabxic
she/her . 16 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Mirari Anrchi
(The Adaptive)
she/her . ??? sweeps (deceased) . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
an incredibly smart inventor and technician. mirari had powers of autopotence, meaning she could change her form at will. she used to be moirails with andras, but once he stole her technology, they became deadly enemies.

Nelton Plinta
he/him . 13.5 sweeps . straight . heir of time . derse
(under construction)

Raidne Anrchi
she/her . 14.5 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
a punk cerulean mutant who plays in verdan’s band. a self-proclaimed “spider-troll”, she has four arms, self-made prosthetics that allow her to climb walls with zero hindrance, and a hell of a spider aesthetic to boot.

c o b a l t b l o o d s

Alogen Laphir
he/him . 24 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
disgruntled old man

Carale Tarygo
she/her . 22 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
ceo of her own fashion magazine company. #girlboss #milf

Dalgon Calyst
she/her . 15.5 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a rough-and-tumble type, dalgon can sure as hell start a fight and finish it.

Nereus Tephra
he/him . 25 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
[under construction]

Odalia Corpus
she/it . ??? . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a frankenstein’s monster of sorts, odalia was an unethical experiment done by order of the highbloods in a crazed attempt to make a super soldier for the fleet. after escaping their lab, she does her own self maintenance, having to replace her parts every couple of sweeps to keep them fresh. she’s hellbent on finding the people responsible for her creation and making them pay.

Rallax Leitne
it/its . 11.2 sweeps . unlabeled . ??? of ??? . unknown
a self-destructive loner who spends most of its time stoned and playing guitar. has a bunch of shitty stick and pokes and not much to say.

Tesian Majora
she/her . 14 sweeps . lesbian . witch of light . prospit
an archivist at a library, tesian is well versed in alternian as well as beforan history.

Verson Inslei
he/him . 17.6 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
a stuck-up lover of extravagance and money. very cold, especially to anyone below him on the hemospectrum. the only use he has for anyone is dionys, who he tells himself he pretends to love for his money, but try as he might to deny it, verson would be broken without him.

i n d i g o b l o o d s

Damage Ardait
she/her . 10.3 sweeps . queer . ??? of ??? . unknown
an angry punk, mad at the world but able to find beauty in it.

Issach Erimet
he/him . 16.7 sweeps . gay . rogue of life . derse
issach is a chill muralist who lives on the beach, keeping the fish and plants happy and trash out. he spends most of his time whittling or surfing.

Lasphe Ichlid
he/him . 19 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a famous singer/songwriter whose aesthetic is very goth. plays the piano, wishes he could play guitar but fails terribly at it.

v i o l e t b l o o d s

Crilte Mahlon
he/she . 15 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
essian’s descendant.

Declan Rifter
he/him . 8.5 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
a young heir who doesn’t seem to envy the idea of being a ruler, but sure likes the attention that comes with being a highblood.

Dionys Retsin
he/him . 33 sweeps . polyam bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a generous lover of wine, dionys is a laid-back prince who’s happy to share his riches. enjoys being a sugar daddy and spoiling his matesprits.

Essian Mahlon
he/him . 406 sweeps . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
a weathered sailor for many sweeps with no alliance to the throne or anyone else. prefers to be called by his last name rather than his first, with the exception of his quadmates.

f u s c h i a b l o o d s

Arulia Lesias
she/they . 15 sweeps . lesbian . ??? of ??? . unknown
troll twitch streamer & grubtuber! loves all things pink and playing video games. is decently famous, makes a lot of good money. her girlfriend lidiya mods her chats and occasionally shows up on streams.

Cichli Dardan
she/they . 11 sweeps . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
doesn’t give a shit about the monarchy and her role as a fuschia.

Eirika Ventri
she/her . 19 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
eirika is a wedding planner, working mostly for highblood weddings but for the right price anyone can attain her services.

Impact Wrench
he/him . 26 sweeps . gay . ??? of ??? . unknown
(under construction)

Irdana Xicael
(Her Glittering Benevolence)
she/her . 1,283 sweeps . pansexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
alternia’s current ruler and malaei’s ancestor, irdana rules with a fair and iron fist. or so that’s what her subjects are forced to believe.

Malaei Xicael
she/her . 18 sweeps . bisexual . ??? of ??? . unknown
next in line for the throne, malaei outwardly appears to be a bit of a spoiled princess with a lot of anger who knows how to get what she wants. truly, she has a deal of issues due to her ancestor’s way of raising her and ruling over her life.

i n f o r m a t i o n

prices are per character unless specified and in usd
backgrounds and prices can be discussed
allow 1-3 weeks for completion depending on complexity
i will draw
selective fanart (ask)
oc x canon
humanoids, trolls, furries, and simple robots
gore and body horror
i will not draw
complicated mecha i.e. cars, complicated robots
underage/incest/noncon shit (be fucking normal)
derogatory or hateful content
how to order
(discord: slurmware)
dm me with your character references, pose/expression, and any additional details you’d like me to include as well as your paypal email
i will invoice you in two parts for orders over $40, half before, half after
i will send you the sketch for approval
terms of service
you may not edit my art at any time.
you may not repost my art to any social media website without explicit permission, with the exception of toyhou.se with credit on all images.you may not feed my art or designs into any ai engines, or use it for nft purposes.i have the right to refuse a commission for any reason.i do not do refunds.

n a r r a t o r

(DATA EXPUNGED)true name unknown . it/its . unknown . n/a . unknownYOU MAY ADDRESS IT AS “THE SERAPH”.

s h i p w a l l

Ampere Ifelisshe/her, bisexualn/aKhasti Qunari (Outlaws)n/an/a—-
Hallei Sylindany pronouns, queern/an/an/an/a—-
Khasti Qunarihe/they, gayn/aAmpere Ifelis (Outlaws)n/an/a—-
Kybael Nyphonhe/him, bisexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Kydali Dirgeshe/him, gayn/an/an/an/aIantha Leahel
Mikach Ruphoshe/him, gayDellet Pharix (Punk Tactics)n/an/an/aVerdan Journe, Iantha Leahel
Xarkai Nehelashe/her male, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Aivann Tehnrihe/him, gayIchola Vitral (Aid to Navigation)n/an/an/a—-
Baasha Hananithey/them, pansexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Chelia Auldershe/her, bisexualDalnix Selter (Paper Rings), Kasdan Artaxe (name n/a)n/an/an/a—-
Crelis Licanihe/him, pansexualn/aDecata Lecadi (Train to Nowhere)n/an/a—-
Crypha Iantosthey/them, polyam lesbianKillet Cosnem (Cemetery Drive) & Xathia Puroun (@lunchboxtrolls) (Graveyard Kisses)(Slumber Purrty)n/an/an/a—-
Iantha Leahelshe/her, lesbiann/an/an/an/aMikach Ruphos, Kydali Dirges, Odalia Corpus + more
Katsup Packetany prns, gay(plotting)n/an/an/a—-
Melior Nyctalhe/she, asexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Osyris Altiorhe/him, bisexualn/aTesian Majora (Ghost Archive)n/an/a—-
Sidara Iantoshe/him, pansexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Vedrai Bellathe/him, bisexual(plotting)(plotting)Aliice Chains (@lunchboxtrolls) (name n/a)n/a—-
Dantei Osctrashe/her, lesbiann/an/an/an/a—-
Kaviut Collethe/him, gayRyan Turner (Closing the Eyes)n/an/an/a—-
Kellas Angmeshe/him, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Miadia Nintisshe/her, pansexualn/an/an/an/a
Selena Liaqueshe/her, bisexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Alcyon Linnexhy/hym, ai/aiself, aroace—-n/a—-n/a—-
Broski Unrealthey/it, gayn/an/an/an/a----
Ichola Vitralhe/him, gayAivann Tehnri (Aid to Navigation)n/an/an/a—-
Kasdan Artaxehe/they, omnisexualDalnix Selter Copilots), Chelia Aulder (name n/a)Dalnix Seltern/an/a----
Vinair Griftethey/them, gayn/a (plotting, not looking)n/aBostau Rustau (The Hanged Men) (@ritualistic-trolls]n/a—-
Casmir Giuliahe/him, pansexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Dalnix Selterhe/they/it, polyam bisexualChelia Aulder (Paper Rings), Kasdan Artaxe (Copilots)Kasdan Artaxen/an/aTaavos Yaskai (@asks-n-trolls)
Ophani Bakanathey/them, bisexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Ourali Xirkatshe/her, polyam bisexualn/an/an/an/aX—
Tilind Mandicshe/her, polyam bisexualNelton Plinta (Time to Grow), Tesian Majora (Historia Plantarum)n/an/an/a—-
The Autopotent (Andras Cansis)he/him, bisexualn/an/aMirari Anrchi (Smoke and Mirrors)n/a—-
Ciaran Haylashe/they, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Eleaxa Apokrushe/they, lesbiann/an/an/an/a—-
Kelari Cansisshe/her, lesbiann/an/an/an/a—-
Killet Cosnemey/they/she, lesbianCrypha Iantos (Cemetery Drive), Xathia Puroun (@lunchboxtrolls) (name n/a)Dalgon Calyst (Hard Drive)n/an/aBexili Credas (@lunchboxtrolls), Lichte Azrael
Kishal Stasyashe/her, aroace—-n/a—-n/aKuiper Briadi
Kuiper Briadithey/he, asexualn/an/an/an/aKishal Stasya
Selmri Cansishe/him, bisexualn/an/aMalaei Xicael (Royal Poison)n/a—-
Sezele Dementshe/it, lesbianBeaker Marvis (@lunchboxtrolls) (Occupational Hazard)n/an/an/a—-
Solani Osporahe/they, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Altela Alaricshe/her, bisexualn/an/aCyslin Coiido (@lunchboxtrolls), (Thrill of the Pursuit)n/a—-
Dellet Pharixhe/him, bisexualMikach Ruphos (Punk Tactics)n/an/an/a—-
Kilick Trorethe/him, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Rioche Kadianshe/they, lesbianCeline Monroe (@lunchboxtrolls), name n/an/an/an/a—-
Verdan Journehe/him, bisexualRetsim (@ritualistic-trolls) (Waves Collide)Tabani Dipter (@ritualistic-trolls) (name n/a)n/an/aMikach Ruphos, Raidne Anrchi
Decata Lecadithey/she, aroace—-Crelis Licani (Train to Nowhere)—-n/a—-
Lichte Azraelshe/they/he, lesbiann/an/an/an/aBexili Credas (@lunchboxtrolls), Killet Cosnem
Lidiya Mabxicshe/her, lesbianArulia Lesias (name n/a)n/an/an/a—-
The Adaptive (Mirari Anrchi)she/her, bisexualn/an/aAndras Cansis (Smoke and Mirrors)n/a—-
Nelton Plintahe/him, straightTilind Mandic (Time to Grow)n/an/an/aTesian Majora
Raidne Anrchishe/her, lesbianTabani Dipter (@ritualistic-trolls) (name n/a)Retsim (@ritualistic-trolls) (name n/a)n/an/aVerdan Journe
Alogen Laphirhe/him, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Carale Tarygoshe/her, lesbiann/an/an/an/a—-
Dalgon Calystshe/her, bisexualn/aKillet Cosnem (Hard Drive)n/an/a 
Nereus Tephrahe/him, gayDionys Retsin [name n/a]n/an/an/a—-
Odalia Corpusshe/her, pansexualn/an/an/an/aIantha Leahel
Rallax Leitneit/its, queern/aMavrin Calibr (@lunchboxtrolls) (name n/a)n/an/a—-
Tesian Majorashe/her, lesbianTilind Mandic (Historia Plantarum)Osyris Altior (Ghost Archive)n/an/a 
Verson Insleihe/him, gayDionys Retsin (Cold Hard Cash)n/an/an/a—-
Damage Ardaitshe/her, queerMisery Bizniz (@lunchboxtrolls) (Battle Cry)n/an/an/a—-
Issach Erimethe/him, gayShimmy (@ritualistic-trolls) (name n/a)n/an/an/a—-
Lasphe Ichlidhe/him, bisexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Crilte Mahlonhe/she, lesbiann/an/an/an/a—-
Declan Rifterhe/him, gayn/aCichli Dardan (Ditch the Throne)n/an/a—-
Dionys Retsinhe/him, bisexualVerson Inslei (Cold Hard Cash), Nereus Tephra [name n/a]n/an/an/a—-
Essian Mahlonhe/him, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Arulia Lesiasshe/they, lesbianLidiya Mabxic (name n/a)n/an/an/a—-
Cichli Dardanshe/her, pansexualn/aDeclan Rifter (Ditch the Throne)n/an/a—-
Eirika Ventrishe/her, bisexualn/an/an/an/a—-
Impact Wrenchhe/him, gayn/an/an/an/a—-
Her Glittering Benevolence (Irdana Xicael)she/her, lesbiann/an/an/an/a—-
Malaei Xicaelshe/her, bisexualDanbora Ckatoc (@asks-n-trolls) (name n/a)Cherry (@lunchboxtrolls) (name n/a)Selmri Cansis (Royal Poison)n/a—-

q u e u e

commissionspixel couple for @nethertrolls
design for @cadavertrolls
icons (2) for @faerielandtrolls

b l a c k l i s t

the following people you are NOT allowed to resell/trade my designs to, and i will not draw any of their characters as commissions.by buying my designs you agree to tell me if you resell/trade them/buy them for somebody else, and to who. giving them to somebody you know for a fact i have blocked is incredibly disrespectful and it WILL get you blocked.8bit-mau5

adopt terms of service

credit me on tumblr @voidrots or on toyhou.se @slurmware.gender is of course up to youdo not resell my adopts for more than the original purchase price or trade for art/other non-currency price equivalent UNLESS you have commissioned extra art. gifted/traded art does not count.gifting/trading is okay as long as you ASK ME BEFORE you do so, and tell me who the design is going to.DO NOT under any circumstances buy a design for, or sell, gift, or trade any of my designs to anybody on my blacklist. doing so will get you instantly blocked and added to the blacklist. it has happened before and it's incredibly fucking disrespectful.small changes to the design are okay as long as the design is kept recognizableif the adopt is poc coded or plus sized please do not change those aspects of their design.DO NOT edit my art at any time.DO NOT feed my art to any ai engines, or use it for nfts or hateful/bigoted/illegal content. doing so will also get you blocked and added to the blacklist.you may not use my designs or art commercially without discussing it with me first. a commercial use fee may be discussed and added.do not repost my art/designs to any social media/gallery platform. toyhou.se is an exception, you are allowed to post there as long as you credit me (toyhouse listed above)by buying my designs or my art, you automatically agree and are subject to these terms, whether you read them or not. this is non negotiable.